In these intense and transformational times, we need more than ever to experience calmness and inner peace by reducing worry and anxiety and focusing on being present. Altars are important as a cornerstone of spiritual practice – of a practice that connects us more deeply with ourselves and with our source in Spirit. Altars can ground and center you and inspire you. James K. Papp, award-winning photographer and author of Inquire Within – A Guide to Living in Spirit, gave this talk in December 2021 at Mystical Wares in Mount Vernon, Washington.
As James says… “My altar reminds me how to behave on Planet Earth.” Enjoy the talk…and enjoy your time with your altar.
If you’re in Western Washington state, north of Seattle, Mystical Wares is a must visit. Their huge shop offers a gorgeous selection of crystals, polished rocks, shungite, metaphysical items, incense, candles, jewelry, and much more! Their selection of books includes Inquire Within – A Guide to Living in Spirit. Twice monthly Mystical Wares hosts a Metaphysical Fair and they also host a podcast. You can purchase items online, listen to the podcast, and learn more at Mystical Wares.
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