How do you define your value?  How do you quantify what you are worth?  Be honest – what’s the first answer that came to you?

Is your value how much money you have?  Is your value your social status, your neighborhood, your house, your job, your car?  Is your value your family and how successful they are?  Is your value your big plans in life; your dreams?  Is your value your spouse, your significant other, your partner, your solitude?  Is your value your creativity, your skill, your talent?  Is your value your friends?

It is easy to define our value by our circumstances, our possessions, our financial accumulation.  It is easy to look outside of ourselves to see, to hear, to touch what we consider to be what we are worth.  But what if we look inside?  What if we look at what is in our minds and in our hearts?  What if we look at our essence?

May I humbly and delicately ask you to consider that all you have in life is not what you’re really worth or who you really are.  May I ever so gently nudge you to contemplate the simple, profound, stellar value of You and Your presence in this world.

Without money, without possessions, without action, we are here, just as a flower is here, and in our simply being is a treasure unto itself, a manifestation of Spirit, unique and precious, valuable beyond measure.

Have you ever arrived at a field of flowers and thought, oh no, there are too many flowers here?  No.  Is it a problem to apprehend too much beauty all at once?  No, that doesn’t seem to be the case.  Each of us is a flower, some opened, some going to open, some going to seed, some geometrically perfect, some not, all of us whole, none of us judged, all of us together in community.

How do you define your value?

© 2011 James K. Papp