Sugar is Making Us Sick. Are You Fed Up?
I'll be honest...I've had issues and challenges, an almost addiction, to sugar in the past. It's a tough craving or habit to break because sugar makes many foods taste so delicious and it lights up
I'll be honest...I've had issues and challenges, an almost addiction, to sugar in the past. It's a tough craving or habit to break because sugar makes many foods taste so delicious and it lights up
"I am a Beautiful Flower in God's Garden" by Lisa Papp Please join Pope Francis' call for a Worldwide Day of Prayer for Peace in Syria - September 7, 2013 If you
On this Valentine's Day, we wish you love. And we wish you Balance. Balance of male and female energies is the way of the New Era. On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar did not
I love this beautiful post by my friend, Cat Zavis. I agree with everything she has written. Let's redefine 9/11 forever! Please join us by focusing on healing, transformation, and peace for a moment or
Can a band perform in a 16,000+ person arena and make it feel intimate? Yes, Coldplay did just that. Jim and I and our dear friend Lorraine were fortunate to see Coldplay perform in Seattle
Social media sites like twitter and Facebook are truly amazing. Used well, to build relationships and share valuable information, these sites bring people together and make our world richer and smaller...a "global village". One twitter
As a BraveHeart Woman, I have benefited greatly from the teachings and friendships of fabulous women from around the world; online & in person at the annual RISE event...BraveHeart Women attendees, presenters & coaches including